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Epic is an organization that works at the University of Semarang in the field of English, learning to speak English correctly in both pronunciation and writing.
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Epic is an organization that works at the University of Semarang in the field of English, here we will learn about what is the correct English language and will learn English both in pronunciation and writing. here we gather together to determine a lot of ideas and we gather to learn together. As for our organizational structure:
1. Head of the organization is : Angelia Ady Wibowo
2. Vice chairman of the organization is : Amelia Putri Kusyono
3. Secretary:
a. Restianti Sukma
b. Fattasya Fauzun Nisa
4. Treasurer:
a. Muhammad Ghazali Agung
b. Moch. Syagar Rai Agung
5. Ministry of Creativity and Promotions:
a. Icha Nabila VH
b. Amelia Hardiyani Pratama Putri
c. Hannan Yazid A
6. Ministry of Training and HRD :
a. Mirza Yuliana Pratiwi
b. Rizkisya Sara Intania
c. Ayu Asmaul Fitri
7. Ministry of Comunnication and Information :
a. Dinda Ayu
b. Zahra
c. Yunita Sari
d. Siti Aminah Rasinah Fatih

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